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Past exhibition

Secrets Uncovered. 400 Objects, a World of Emotion

Quelques objets représentant la diversité des collections du Musée : assiette, moule à sucre, robe, vaisseau jouet, etc

A jacket woven from human hair. Claude Léveillée’s piano. A stuffed bison. A replica of the Millennium Falcon. The costumes from Sol et Gobelet. Happy memories or unease, joy or sadness—what emotions do these items bring up for you?

As well as its public exhibits, the Musée is also the custodian of more than 225,000 objects housed in huge warehouses. These treasures are priceless evidence of the rich history of Québec and our society.

Secrets Uncovered presents 400 of these objects. Each one has been specially chosen for the emotions it stirs up and the stories it tells.

The exhibition also highlights the work of the curators—the specialists who preserve and add to these precious collections.

© Musée de la civilisation, Marie-Josée Marcotte – Icône
© Musée de la civilisation, Marie-Josée Marcotte – Icône
© Musée de la civilisation, Marie-Josée Marcotte – Icône
© Musée de la civilisation, Marie-Josée Marcotte – Icône