Brown Gold

Excrement, turd, stool, dump, shit… Call it what you will, poop is a taboo and misunderstood topic. We’re either disgusted by it or we joke about it. Rarely is it addressed seriously, and yet there is much to be said and learned about this universal organic matter.
How about diving in headfirst to better understand its social history, the environmental issues at play and how it can be put to good use?
Fecal matter is part of us and our daily lives. Stool can tell a lot about our health and eating habits, but they are also the root of social and environmental issues we have a hard time fathoming.
Did you know that a large portion of the human population does not have access to sanitary toilets? That some women in developing countries risk their lives every time they need to defecate? Through sanitary crises and issues, as well as hope surrounding the possibilities of repurposing human waste, find out why understanding poop can lead to a better of understanding of humanity.
As you make your way around this exhibition and explore its intellectual and nuanced scientific discourse, expect a dramatic change in the way you look at what is turning out to be the world’s most underestimated and inexhaustible resource.
Presented by H20 innovation.
Ô merde! is an exhibition conceived and produced by the Musée de la civilisation, presented by H2O with the collaboration of RECYC-QUEBEC and Cascades, and the participation of Les Cabinets and the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac, official hotel.
Scientific committee that collaborated in developing the exhibition content:
- Catherine Bourgault, sanitation advisor at the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technologies (CAWST) / Specialization: non sewer-connected sanitation, fecal sludge management in low- and intermediary-income countries (Calgary)
- François-Joseph Lapointe, researcher, professor, (bio)artist, Université de Montréal / Specialization: microbiology, evolution, genetics (Montréal)
- Corinne Maurice, researcher, McGill University / Specialization: cellular microbiology, immunology, microbiota and viruses (Montréal)
- Alain Veilleux, researcher and assistant professor at INAF-Université Laval / Specialization: metabolism and intestinal microbiota (Québec City)
- Celine Vaneeckhaute, junior engineer and assistant professor at Université Laval / Specialization: fecal sludge management, biomethanization, green energy (Québec City)