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Contact Us

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact a staff member in one of the Musée de la civilisation’s various departments.


Email : [email protected]
Telephone : 418-643–2158
Toll-free : 1-866-710-8031


The Musée : 85 Dalhousie Street, Québec City, QC G1K 8R2
Delivery : 16 De la Barricade Street, Québec City, QC G1K 8W9

Supplier information : [email protected]
Finance : [email protected]
Security : [email protected]

Collections, historical archives and library : [email protected]
Consultation hall : [email protected]
Copyright : [email protected]

Press Relations : [email protected] / [email protected]
Sponsorship requests : [email protected]
Website : [email protected]

Visit the Coeur du Musée de la civilisation website

Complaint regarding diversity, equity and inclusion : plainte-edi@mcq.org

Comments and suggestion on diversity, equity and inclusion : edi@mcq.org

Telephone : 418-441-8558
Email : [email protected]

Visit the Careers section of our website

Telephone : 418-643-2158, option 4
Toll-free : 1-866-710-8031
Email: [email protected]

Cultural mediation : [email protected]
Educational mediation : [email protected]
Travelling exhibitions : [email protected]

Telephone : 581-318–2162
Email : [email protected]

Telephone : 418-643-2158, ext. 3
Email : [email protected]

Telephone : 418-643–9859
Toll-free : 1-866-710-8031
Email : [email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator : [email protected]
Telephone : 418 643-2158, ext. 407

To email Musée de la civilisation staff, type the staff member’s first name, followed by a period (.), followed by the full last name (in lower case and without accents) followed by @mcq.org.

For example, if you want to reach Jane Smith, write to [email protected].